Thursday 30 August 2018

Forgiveness @ the speed of thought

             ‘’Forgive others not because they deserve it
              But because you deserve peace’’
                             -Taylor swift
There are many times in our lives when someone did us wrong, situations like these hurt us so badly that we begin to ask ourselves if we actually deserve to be treated that way, and we begin to ask questions,
Why would this person do this to me after all that I have done for him?
Why was my project not selected? I thought I had the best idea?
Why will people around me not believe3 in my dream? Is it because I don’t have anything to show for it yet?
Is it because am better than him?
Is it because he is richer than I am?
It is easy to continue to ask ourselves why? Seeking to get answers to our questions, but what is more important is to learn from areas where we ourselves did wrong and move on.
Sometimes it can be very difficult to forgive others most especially if it’s a close friend, the  thought of what they did in the past keeps coming back as soon as you meet them, resulting to bitterness of the mind. The real truth is that they hurt you and it is important to forgive them and let it go totally.
Forgiveness doesn’t make you right, It makes you free.
  They have hurt you once don’t allow them to hurt you forgive them not because they deserve it but you deserve peace, you deserve to feel good  because feeling good cannot be valued with money, so forgive them what is done is done we cannot do something about the past , but we ac make  sure it never happen again.
If someone left you don’t continue to  feel bad and wondering if you can still make it, understand that their time is up that is why God lets them go, if you will really need them God won’t have allowed them to go. Move on and God will bring better people in to your life.
May be you apply for a contract but it was given to someone else  even though you deserve to be given that contract, don’t be discourage that is one closed door, God will open more doors even greater doors that will be more rewarding.
In a situation where a loyal customer  decided for no reason to patronise someone else , after all your effort to please that person, don’t continue to feel bad and continue to worry over it instead ask God to bring better customers to your store.
Remain joyful better customers are coming, stop conpaling about what didn’t work out instead continue to  give a give service to your existing customers and please don’t  transfer that aggression on other customers
God command us to forgive, first forgive yourself for all the mistake you made in the past, forgive others that did you wrong forgive God said 70*7 times  that means 490 times in every 24 hours.
The past is called the past for a reason and we cannot change the past but you can do something about now, stop focusing on the past let your attention be on the future. If they have hurt you yesterday that is the past, don’t carry yesterday on today’s agenda
Everyday carries a new opportunities to do better than the previous day, new opportunities to become a better  you, new opportunities to recover all you’ve lost so let go of what didn’t work out yesterday, today provide a better opportunity that things will work out embrace it. 

Thursday 14 June 2018

Who is more important?

The question of who is more important?

Decision making is a very important aspect of a man’s life, and whether we like it or not we all make decision everyday, consciously or unconsciously. It is popularly said that everyone’s destiny is at the mercy of decision, and our decision will either make us or break us, so you really need to pay more attention to those ones that are important and beneficial.
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by those things that you didn’t do, than those ones you did.
Verbal declaration is not going to bring things to being, a little action taken is better than mighty words spoken without result.
Decisions are inevitable, therefore it is better to keep taking actions. Let me also say it is not enough to take action, you must also ensure that you are taking the right one at the appropriate time.
For a while now, I have been looking at a better technique that will help us make a better decision at the appropriate time, and I came up with this question
'Who is more important?'
I came across this question in Tony Robin’s book and it has been very helpful to making a better decision fast. Let me give some illustration: Have you have every found yourself in a situation where you were about to make an investment decision? Next time you do, ask yourself this question 'who is more important?' Is it the profit or myself ? This question will make you realize that it is better to consult the expert on that field, so that you will not take an action you will later regret. Maybe someone did something really bad to you, and for a while you try to let it go, but the bad feeling keeps coming back; ask yourself this question 'who is more important?' Is it my feelings that is more important or those people? As soon as you realize this you will learn to forgive them not because they deserved it, but because you deserve peace.
Trying to buy things like cloth or drug for example, maybe the attendant offered you a drug that is of low standard, and you know but you intend to buy it because it's cheap; ask yourself this question 'who is more important?' Is it the money
or my health that is more important? Am sure that will help you to make a good decision.
In the same way, let's say you had a stressful week in the office; you’ve been working back to back
on a particular project trying to meet a deadline and you know that you need to rest and you can't seem to find a reason to; take a minute, pause and ask yourself this question 'who is more important?' Is it my job that is more important or my health? And am sure this question will show you what to do.

The bottom line is that you feel good. Feeling good is the end result of taking the right action, if you have ever bought something, and later discovered that it's not the right thing, then you will know what I mean.
Feeling good is always the aim, when you feel good, that is when you are motivated to do the things you love, relate better with people and also that is when you can do business.When you don’t feel good, negative thought, depression and stress will fill you heart, but we at MIKE ANI want you to feel good, feel good about yourself and your environment all the time, so that you will always make a better decision.
Thank you.

Sunday 3 June 2018

One act of kindness

One Act of kindness
Small act of kindness are sometimes powerful enough to make a difference in people's lives.  We may not know it, but in most cases the receiver will cherish it forever.
People don't really care how much you know,
until you  show them how much you care.
-John Maxwell
I received a message from a good friend, and for some reason I didn't had time to go through my LinkedIn account.  Three months later, I was discouraged about somethings, and it looks as if the result is not going to work out has planned, so I open my LinkedIn account to chat with the person in charge, when I stumble on this brother message, my God!  It was a great motivation for me. Infact that message gave me the confidence to believe all things will work together for my good, and the result later came out as expected.
The truth is that People don't really care how much you know, until you  show them how much you care.

A brother also shared, a story of how he extended an act of kindness to a team of lawma guys, who came to his compound by giving them cold water in a sunny afternoon. Some weeks later the team came around again ,but this time  he was not at home, those people went an extra mile to help him carry  out  the trash
My point is, rendering an act of kindness is not all about money, encouraging and appreciating one another goes a long way to  help  that friend or family who needs it.

Today, there are many of our friends and family members who are doing well in business, In Entertainment and careers,  let us encourage them, lets patronize them, and just in case  they a going through a rough time, lets encourage them  with words like
Hello brother, I want you to know that we are aware of everything you are going through, and I will like you to know we will always be praying for you.
Hey sister, you can't afford to give up on that dream now,  we know how far you've gone, and just in case  you need anything,  let us know.
When things finally fall into place he or she will remember you, when things go rough, your words will also be remembered. Good leaders are known by their actions because people don't really care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
Mike is that really necessary?  Someone may ask. Yes is necessary, and the truth is that showing an act of kindness is one way to get prayers answered.  If you desire a leadership position, A lucrative contract and financial blessings show an act of kindness to someone today, and you will see how fast your expectations will comes back to you.
Thank you for reading our article, and I hope to talk to you soon

Who we are

The name Michael Ani  blog is the abbreviation of Michael Anibaba  blog.
The vision is to raise men and women like Nations.This  motto was taken from 
Det 28 verse 1
Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the LORD your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
Isaiah 60:22
A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.
With all these promises, I believe God will be raising Global solution providers, men and women of insight people and ingenuity. An Army of Great inventors will rise from this platform , Men and women whose by the virtues of the  grace they carries controls money that is more than  budget of  some countries and I believe you are part of us, because this is  your moment to soar.
Also, we will like you to visit us from time to time Thank you,
  Welcome to Michael Ani

Tuesday 29 May 2018

A lesson from a mentor

Some years ago I received an advice from a mentor  that changed my life forever, and I will like to share it with you, isn't that  great?
Over the years,I have made a decision to follow them, and These are what he said
1.There is nothing wrong in being a fan, but  don't be a fan forever,  be a player
The meaning is that, It is  a good  thing to admire a crave for  what a mentor carries, but also grow and become a mentor to others
2 Don't be a coach be a player
That means, don't just give instructions to others, when you are not  really practicing those things.  Be an example to others, let them see you practice what you say
3.He also said that fans don't  buy a ticket to  watch a coach  they go there for the players
Infact many fans  will not notice when a coach wears a new cloth,  but everyone notice a little changes  in the players  uniform.
4. Don't be  the judge,let  the people in charge do that
Meaning is that don't continue to look out for what others are not  doing right, instead look out  for those things they are actually doing  well

Friday 26 January 2018



Take a moment to think about it, and you may start to notice all those signs of your conscientiousness as indicators of something a little less healthy. Maybe you get frustrated by employees not following your instructions. Or you feel anxious about missing out on information, so you attend every important meeting, even when you’re slammed. You even ask your team to reschedule if you can’t make it, rather than trusting them to represent you. And you want to be copied on emails all the time.

Work-related stress is a likely culprit. When you feel overwhelmed, you worry that you don’t have a good handle on things–so what do you do? You tighten your grip on everything. The first step to loosening it up (and reducing your own stress in the process) is simply recognizing the impact that your micromanaging is having. Think back over the past few months, and ask yourself these four questions:

1. Am I killing my team’s creativity? All innovative ideas start as something new, untested, and relatively crazy. If your employees don’t feel they have the freedom to test out new things, they’ll give up being creative. If there’s been a recent project or brainstorm where you felt the solutions and ideas were sub-par, you might be to blame.

2. Am I tamping down performance, or causing people to leave? Micromanaging tells an employee that you don’t trust their judgment. One 2011 study found that people who believe they’re being watched perform at lower levels as a result. As you offload your own stress onto your employees by micromanaging them, they may even start looking for the door. Rumor will get out that you’re a micromanager and people won’t want to join your team.

3. Am I harming my team members’ health? This is no exaggeration. We know that lack of autonomy at work causes stress–after all, that’s likely a key factor for your micromanaging habit in the first place. But last year researchers at the Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business identified potentially serious health-related ramifications, too–including links to mortality. Examining workers over a seven-year period, the researchers found that people in demanding jobs who had little control over their work were 15.4% more likely to die compared with those in less demanding jobs. Meanwhile, people in demanding roles who did have a high degree of control over their work saw a 34% decrease in the likelihood of death.
The study’s lead author Erik Gonzalez-Mule put it this way: “Stressful jobs have clear negative consequences for employee health when paired with low freedom in decision making.” On the other hand, he continued, “Stressful jobs can be beneficial to employee health if also paired with freedom in decision making.”

4. Am I doing what I was hired to do? This is as simple as reminding yourself of your job description. Letting your team get on with their stuff will free up time for you to do what you’re supposed to–and feel less stressed about your workload in the process. Set up the vision for the team. Manage your stakeholders. And then step back. Don’t worry–your team will come to you if they need you.

So how do you stop being a micromanager? Start, of course, with those four questions above. But if you find that doesn’t cut it, try anonymous 360-degree feedback surveys to encourage your team to speak about your micromanagement tendencies. This can also help you learn how your bad habits affect them–not just in terms of executing their work, but also in adding stress.

Next, identify your fears. What’s the underlying anxiety that’s causing you stress? Is it fear of failure? Is it other people? An executive coach may be able to help you increase your self-awareness in this area, but so can building a solid team. You won’t be able to delegate if you don’t trust your team’s competence. Hire good people and invest in their development, and chances are your worries about things not going right will start to diminish.

Finally, step back and articulate your vision and the results you want your team to drive. Look away from the details of the work for a moment to reconsider its purpose in the first place. That can help you learn to stop dictating your team members’ “how” as long as they deliver on the “what” and understand the “why.”

Rather than you setting the approach, lay down the ownership and engagement guidelines for you and your team: What are the tasks and relationships where you won’t be involved? When should the team come to you? Then resist the urge to interfere unless they ask for your help or notice something unethical or dangerous. Done good enough by your team is better than done perfectly (does that even exist?) by you.

Don’t be responsible for harming your employees’ health and your company’s performance. If you can learn to stop micromanaging, you’ll feel a lot less stressed at work–and so will your team members.

Caterina Kostoula is an executive coach and global business leader at Google. You can download Caterina’s free balance and self-care tool kit for reducing work-related stress and follow her on Medium, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Before a person can accomplish anything of an enduring nature in the world, she must first of all acquire some measure of success in the management of her own mind. If a person cannot govern the forces within herself, she cannot hold a firm hand upon the outer activities that form her visible life." - Mastery of Destiny

Rod Bremer asks a very important question: “If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?”

How about this thought: “What would you do to someone if they talked to your children the way you talk to yourself?”

I'm constantly amazed at what people say about themselves. I wince when I hear someone I care about say things like “I'm so stupid”, or “sorry, I'm always late”, because I know it only reinforces a deeply held belief, whether it’s a subconscious one or a conscious one.

I wince even more when I catch myself saying those things because I know the damage it can do.

As F.F. Bosworth observed, “a spiritual law that few realize is that our confessions rule us. What we confess with our lips dominates our inner being.”

What are you telling yourself? What does that little man or little woman on your shoulder say to you? Is that who you really want to be?

Our friend and best selling author Lisa Jimenez teaches a technique that I think has application here.

For the next couple of weeks, wear a rubber band on your wrist. Every time you catch yourself saying something to yourself or about yourself that is not keeping with who you want to be, stop whatever you're doing immediately.

Then, confess the truth about you while you're snapping the rubber band on your wrist.

For instance, if you catch yourself saying I'm always late, stop and say to yourself, “I am thankful that I'm becoming more conscious of the importance of being on time and I'm improving every day.” Then snap the rubber band.

Do it several times to reinforce the affirmation.

Read the following words every day until they are ingrained in your soul, then you'll be diligent about what you say to yourself.

They're from Napoleon Hill, writing in the classic, Think and Grow Rich: “It is a well known fact that one comes finally to believe whatever one repeats to oneself, whether the statement is true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth.”

And that’s worth thinking about.