Friday, 26 January 2018


Before a person can accomplish anything of an enduring nature in the world, she must first of all acquire some measure of success in the management of her own mind. If a person cannot govern the forces within herself, she cannot hold a firm hand upon the outer activities that form her visible life." - Mastery of Destiny

Rod Bremer asks a very important question: “If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you continue to hang around with that person?”

How about this thought: “What would you do to someone if they talked to your children the way you talk to yourself?”

I'm constantly amazed at what people say about themselves. I wince when I hear someone I care about say things like “I'm so stupid”, or “sorry, I'm always late”, because I know it only reinforces a deeply held belief, whether it’s a subconscious one or a conscious one.

I wince even more when I catch myself saying those things because I know the damage it can do.

As F.F. Bosworth observed, “a spiritual law that few realize is that our confessions rule us. What we confess with our lips dominates our inner being.”

What are you telling yourself? What does that little man or little woman on your shoulder say to you? Is that who you really want to be?

Our friend and best selling author Lisa Jimenez teaches a technique that I think has application here.

For the next couple of weeks, wear a rubber band on your wrist. Every time you catch yourself saying something to yourself or about yourself that is not keeping with who you want to be, stop whatever you're doing immediately.

Then, confess the truth about you while you're snapping the rubber band on your wrist.

For instance, if you catch yourself saying I'm always late, stop and say to yourself, “I am thankful that I'm becoming more conscious of the importance of being on time and I'm improving every day.” Then snap the rubber band.

Do it several times to reinforce the affirmation.

Read the following words every day until they are ingrained in your soul, then you'll be diligent about what you say to yourself.

They're from Napoleon Hill, writing in the classic, Think and Grow Rich: “It is a well known fact that one comes finally to believe whatever one repeats to oneself, whether the statement is true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth.”

And that’s worth thinking about. 


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